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Anyone who is willing to pitch in to help us in our programs and events is welcome to join us. What does it mean to be a member of Upper Northern Beaches Rotary?
It’s easy: Talk to a member or email As with most clubs, there is a nomination process to go through but we try and make it as painless as possible.
Membership fees are currently $296 per annum (with the option of paying in half-yearly instalments). These funds help to cover the costs of our club, district and Rotary International. We will not charge your membership until you are accepted into the organisation. Members are not expected to make personal donations: we serve by doing.
Rotary is a voluntary organisation whose members are busy people. We all participate within our own levels of availability, skills and expertise. Whilst attendance at our weekly meetings greatly helps members to be informed and to contribute, there is no requirement to attend all meetings. We focus on members being engaged in our projects and activities. And we offer the opportunity to match members’ and supporters’ preferences, skills and availability to the tasks at hand. We encourage members to involve their partners and families in club meetings and all other activities.
You will join one of our teams that focuses on a particular project, area or event. We'll offer you a role that you will find interesting and rewarding. Our aim is to help you to add another dimension to your life. You, your family, Rotary, the Northern Beaches community and the world will benefit from your participation.
Business partnerships
Apart from becoming a club member, there are other ways you can be part of our projects.
As a business leader, you can partner with us in one of our projects. Sponsorships and financial support is always welcome, but your contribution doesn't need to be monetary. Think about how you could bring the resources of your organisation to help make our projects successful.
Community partnerships
As Rotarians, we take pride in being actively engaged with the community, and in many of our projects we work with local Councils and other community groups to extend our reach and our strength for the good of others.
Our annual Christmas Carols in the Park would not be possible without our partnership with Pittwater Uniting Church. The popular group of musicians and singers who are the core of this great family night are brought together by the church -- most of them are church members. And a large portion of the funding for the event is provided by the church, through the generous donation of an anonymous parishioner.
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The Rotary Club of Upper Northern Beaches (ABN 54 599 564 250) holds an authority to Fundraise
(No:CFN 13796) for charitable purposes